Welcome Home Akira!


In case you don’t already know, I’m Kelsey, a 20 something who made the wonderful choice to adopt a Husky in February 2018. At the time I was going through a rough patch in life and feeling incredibly bleh. So of course, I felt like a puppy would be a wonderful addition to my life. Milo, my kitten who will get his own introduction later, needed a play mate anyway. You know, to keep him young, athletic and happy!

Needless to say, I had heard about a family trying to find homes for an accidental litter their huskies had and although at first I had no rEaL intention of bringing one home, I though I’d go check them out at least. I mean… if I could help out, why wouldn’t I?

So I find my energy to go over one day (it was quite the trek) and immediately fell in love. They had a littler ranging from black to white and all the shades in between. A friend of mine had taken home a beautiful little red husky boy, the runt of the litter, I would realize later, and a few of the other brothers had found homes already as well. The mom and dad were healthy and happy I was glad to see, to be honest I didn’t believe the “accidental” bit at first but was happy to see momma had been fixed recently to prevent any more stress on her. There was one adorably rolly boy who was a light gray and white and SO PUDGY! Alas, although he was absolute perfection I knew I wasn’t ready to train a boy. Then I saw the most beautiful white and cream colored pupper. This was the husky of my dreams! First of all, a girl (yay!) and second I have an affinity for anything white, gray and black. The guy who told me about them actually peaked my interest by telling me they had a little cream girl. So here I am, falling head over heals for this perfectly sweet girl who also happened to be the largest out of the litter; and the only girl. That was that, I now had a little blue eyed husky puppy and I couldn’t be more excited. Little did I know what I was getting myself into.

Later that evening once we got to know each other and she had settled in a bit, we started to ponder what names would fit this little wolfy girl. I ultimately decided on Tsukina Akira, a Japanese name meaning moonlight (my intention based on her color and happy disposition), beautiful moon, or graceful strength. It seemed to fit her well and she responded to it.

My sweet little baby was snuggly, happy and home.